Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Few Weeks work.

Well the show is going up in Whanganui. I was not overly excited about showing the work again but once more into the realm of the critic. A couple of weeks have gone by since my last posting; having said I would comment every week it has been some time between drinks.  I had  received some criticism about having a blog in the first place.  Thankfully as an email and easy to delete. The gallery is at the local polytechnic and will only be opened for two days. Seems a lot of work for a relatively small time in the sun, but interested staff  and students from school will have the opportunity to see the show before  being packed away. I am sort of over the work now; it is amazing how quickly everything fades into the distance The new print  is going really well. The mark is changing with each series.  I am targeting the white space within the work and now creating a more open isolating image. Working with the marching girls is a great deal of fun.  I am on target to have the work ready for the One Night Stand which opens and closes on May 29th.Will have an image ready to view in anticipation of a weekend in the studio.

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